What a wonderful opportunity for Greek children
between the ages of 8 and 12 years old.
As is done every summer there will be a free summer camp in Greece for children of Greek heritage living outside of Greece this summer.
Camp sessions will include
* Greek language lessons, Greek history and mythology
*Field trips to historical and archaeological sites, as well as to museums and other points of interest.
*Informative sessions on the environment (water the source of life and bees) and Mediterranean diet (olives and honey)
*instruction in Greek dance, music and theater
There will be two camp sessions: July 12-July 26th and August 9-August 23
All expenses including airfare, room, food, trips etc are covered
Qualification Requirements:
1. One parent must be of Greek decent.
2. Can only be between the ages of 8-12 (and not turn 12 during the trip)
3. Children must be comfortable and capable of being in a camp like setting
4. Children must not be related to a Greek government employee
Please contact Τμήμα Προγραμμάτων Φιλοξενίας at
210 2597549 or by fax at 210 2597571
for more information. (long distance phone call to Greece)
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